Thursday, December 27, 2012


Hey Guys!! So I decided to take the advice of some friends and start a blog. On this blog I'm going to be using this as a way to share my heart,  some new songs AND LRYICS!! haha I know you guys have been wanting those...sorry. I suck at replying on Twitter haha BUT here it is!

 "Be Still"
Written By: Rhyan K. Shirley

I wrote this song for a homeless women I met in Paris France. She changed my life. Her honesty and hopelessness stirred in me a deep desire for no human being to ever feel that way again. I wrote this song for her hoping she will be some miracle hear it. I never saw her again after that day and I have no idea what happened to her, but she now knows the name of her hope.. One day I pray that she believes it.

Settle down weary eyes
search no more

settle down frantic heart
I'm here to calm the storm

be still
Be still

You don't have to run anymore
just fall into my arms
You don't have to fear anymore
I'll never break your heart
You don't have fix anything
I want to meet you where you are

Be still
Be still

Settle down you feel like you're drowning
but I can walk on water

Settle down you feel orphaned abandoned
but i call you my son i call you my daughter

Be still
Be still
Be still
Be still

You don't have to run anymore
just fall into my arms
You don't have to fear anymore
I'll never break your heart
You don't have fix anything
I want to meet you where you are

I know 
this pain is too much for you
I know 
you don't believe that this love is true
this darkness is thick 
but I can pierce it
 I can be your light

You don't have to run anymore
just fall into my arms
You don't have to fear anymore
I'll never break your heart
You don't have fix anything
I want to meet you where you are

Be still
Be still
Be still
Be still